2024 Gala Recap

2024 Gala Recap

Many thanks to our awesome 2024 gala sponsors, table patrons, and many guests for making our 13th Annual Gala such a success! With nearly 1,100 guests in attendance, we have received donations and pledges totaling nearly $550,000 (and counting) for our life-affirming...
Join the Prayer Team

Join the Prayer Team

Our purpose, cause, and passion at InnerVisions HealthCare is to empower women to make life affirming choices. Our niche is being the most comprehensive medical education for unplanned pregnancies. Some years ago, a team of prayer supporters was inaugurated to...
2023 Year in Review

2023 Year in Review

As we are adjusting to writing 2024 on our correspondence, we wanted to take a moment to look back on our 2023 and admire the ways God has blessed our patients, their babies, and the community at large. SAVE THE DATE for Thursday, May 30, for our Annual...

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