We need your help!
In the wake of the providential reversal of Roe v Wade, many of you have asked us: “how can I help?” With our successful gala last month, we want to offer non-financial ways to assist us (although donations, especially for security, are always welcome).
Reviews, Volunteering, and Gift Cards….Oh My!!
To date, we have not experienced any physical violence, but we have had some cyber-violence, through negative Google reviews. So, we invite you to write a medical-centric review on as many of our platforms as possible.
(perhaps consider writing a review, then copy and paste it to the different platforms.)
If you have been an ultrasound model at any time, please speak to the medical services you received. If you have had a tour of the clinic, please share your experience of the cleanliness and kindness of the staff. (Remember: the purpose of these reviews is for abortion-minded women to feel comfortable coming to our medical clinic in their time of need, so please refrain from bible verses and baby discussions.)
As our patient traffic continues to increase, we have a greater need for volunteers. Do you or someone you know think that God is calling you to volunteer? Three areas of need:
- Volunteer receptionist
- Volunteer advocate
- Volunteer nurse
Our medical team is “in the trenches” and these positions are all patient-facing, so we need kind, people-oriented, committed volunteers who are looking to make a difference. Perhaps with the recent Roe v Wade reversal, you’re looking to get involved by committing to a weekly volunteer shift? Email Brooke to inquire more.
All of us are feeling the effects of inflation and supply chain challenges….but none more than our patients, who have inquired about patient assistance more recently than ever before. With that, our gift card selection has drained, and we are in need of replenishing.

We typically prefer smaller denominations ($5, $10, and $25), and gas, food and clothing specific. Our patients like the following stores:
- Gas Station: Casey’s, Kum & Go
- Grocery: Hy-Vee, Aldi, Fareway
- Stores: Walmart, Target, Once Upon a Child
- Restaurant: Subway, Friedrichs, Freedom Coffee
- Blank Safety Store
Feel free to coordinate with anyone at the clinic for drop-off and pick-up.
Thank you!