It goes without saying that 2020 was a bizarre year. And yet, for us at InnerVisions, we saw a record number of patients, in part, because COVID was an additional obstacle — either directly or indirectly — affecting our moms’ decisions to make a life choice (parenting or adoption).
As we strive towards excellence in 2021, we are rolling out a *new* patient process this week. Our nursing staff has been working really hard over the past couple of months to implement a new method that seeks to increase patients, decrease no-shows, and rescue more babies from abortion.
But, we want to share with you a quick summary of our 2020 successes, and thank you for your role in it! Whether you gave gifts of time, talent, and/or treasure, every bit has helped and contributed to InnerVisions ending 2020 in a stable financial position. Thank you!
These metrics are a barometer of *our* success…yours and our staff! We cannot do this mission with your involvement!
Days we had to close the clinic due to COVID
One mission to empower women to save babies!
Two clinics to better serve *more* women, babies, and patients
2021 celebrates our 10th year since our doors opened
% of increase in pregnancy patients
% of increase in number of babies saved
# of mothers empowered & babies saved in 2020
# of total mothers empowered & babies saved since 2011
Your donations help us serve women like Jennifer (…did you see her video back in December?). It’s a great example of the impact that YOU make on our mission. Thank you!
Could you do us a favor and complete a 2-minute, anonymous survey to help in our 2021 planning?
Finally, mark your calendars for our 10th Anniversary Celebration Gala — Thursday, June 3rd — and start thinking about whether you may want to be a sponsor or purchase a table. Invites will go out in April.
With gratitude for your continued commitment to our mission of empowering women and saving babies!!