With the COVID-19 outbreak, our nursing staff continues to see patients, despite additional clinical precautions to protect patients, staff, and volunteers.  

But, did you hear? 

Just last week, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) released a joint statement with 7 other societies and organizations which said the following:  

abortion should not be categorized as [an elective or non-urgent] procedure. Abortion is an essential component of comprehensive health care. It is also a time-sensitive service for which a delay of several weeks, or in some cases days, may increase the risks or potentially make it completely inaccessible. The consequences of being unable to obtain an abortion profoundly impact a person’s life, health, and well-being.  

Moreover, Planned Parenthood of Greater New York is sharing this meme on their social media:

This is what we’re up against.  This is why InnerVisions is *not* closing during this tough time.  With your help, we remain ever steadfast in our commitment to offer quality medical care, including abortion alternatives, to women in crisis.  

Second, a story.  We just had a patient Monday who had been AM (abortion-minded) a few weeks ago, and after she received counseling with one of our nurses, still felt abortion was her only option.  Despite multiple follow-up phone calls, we lost contact with her, but then she reached out for a follow-up ultrasound.  So, she arrived Monday for an appointment, and she was accompanied by her boyfriend.  When she saw the ultrasound, she said (…and I quote, since Brooke just told me yesterday!!):  “there’s nothing like seeing the heart beating on the ultrasound.”  With her boyfriend beside her, she is choosing to parent.  Praise God!

That’s a powerful statement:  “there’s nothing like seeing the heart beating on the ultrasound”.  We can only help patients if our doors remain open during this crisis. 

The work we do really does make a difference, and I’m so grateful for your involvement!

Late last week, we mailed our 2020 Gala invitations.  We’re delighted to have Rebekah Hagan join us on Thursday, June 4th.  We do, however, realize that we may be limited from gathering in person, and so while we’re still planning on hosting a physical event, we’re discerning various alternatives. 

In the meantime, if you’re planning on attending the physical event, please register or if you’re not able to attend, but still want to support our life-affirming mission with a 2020 Gala Gift, you can do that here.  

Finally, we have our Spring Newsletter available for you digitally.  We mailed a few out to those for whom we didn’t have email addresses, but in an effort to save postage and printing, we are including our digital version here.  Please forward to others who may be interested.

With gratitude for your continued commitment to our mission of empowering over 950 abortion-minded women to choose life!

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