As a medical clinic, we see folks from all walks of life. Some haven’t eaten a meal in a few days. Some only own the clothes on their back. And some have little money for gas.
Since our mission is to empower women by eliminating the need for an abortion, sometimes providing for the material needs of the patient assists us in easing her burden, empowering her to choose life. Donations of baby clothes to us (through Once Upon a Child) are helpful, but monetary support and gift cards are also critical for this mission.
Since tracking gift card donations in 2014, we’ve averaged 100 gift cards a year for a total of over $1500. Many thanks to individuals, organizations, churches, and groups who have helped contribute these cards to pass along to women in need. Additionally, gift cards that can be used for internal use, such as office supplies have taken a burden off the budget as well.
So that we can share them as necessary, we recommend smaller amount totals, for example $10-25 increments. The most useful cards would be to stores such as:
- Convenience stores (Casey’s, Kum & Go, Quiktrip)
- Grocery Stores (HyVee, Fareway)
- Office Depot
- Children’s specialty (Once Upon a Child, Buy Buy Baby)
- Sandwich shops (Subway, etc.)
- Multi-purpose stores (Walmart, Target)
- Home improvement (Lowes, Menards)
Would you, your organization, church, or group be able to donate some gift cards to assist our patients who are in the most critical need?
P.S. A few weeks ago, our coffee machine broke, and so we had to purchase a new Keurig. Can someone underwrite the $100 machine which we just purchased? No worries — we’re all properly caffeinated now!