…desperate measures.
As you know, here at IVHCare, our mission goes beyond “saving the baby”, while letting the mother figure out the rest. Instead, we make ourselves available to her throughout the pregnancy and long after, if she wishes. We want to empower her womanhood *and* her motherhood.Women come to our clinic because they trust the fact that we’re a professional medical clinic: doctors and nurses meet with our patients, who receive a wide variety of services and programs. As a medical clinic, we want to ensure the health and safety of both mom and baby. Sometimes, that requires establishing ongoing obstetrical care, other times that means addressing her “personal needs”: food, clothing, housing, parental support, transportation, employment, childcare, etc.
Our “Birth Mother’s Needs & Social Justice” program is important as caring for our patients’ health adds up. We have not come to you for help in funding these special birth mom’s needs for some time, but we are in need of help now since we’ve provided some of the following things recently:
- Emergency housing
- Deposit and/or first month’s rent
- Baby carseats
- A car and/or car repair
- Food and clothing for her and her current children, as well as new baby
- Bus tokens or gas money
- Utilities and phone payment expenses
- Etc.
Every dollar of support is provided with great discretion and is approved by the staff who vet and care for her. We pledge to be excellent stewards of your generous donations. Can you make a $50, $100, $500, or $1,000 gift today to help replenish our “Birth Mother’s Needs & Social Justice” Fund?
We appreciate your prayers and your support in helping all of our mothers and babies, and for trusting us in our work and mission.
God bless your generous spirit!

P.S. We just received great news: Dowling Catholic’s Students For Life is having a Skate For Life at Brenton Skating Plaza benefiting IVHCare. Do you like to skate and want to support this ministry? Bring your children and come share in this fun opportunity!
Where: Brenton Skating Plaza
When: Thursday, March 2nd, from 6-8pm
What: Skate For Life
Cost: $10/person
Contact: Elisabeth Currie