As we reflect on the successes of 2016 and look forward to the many opportunities of 2017, we wanted to share with you some important numbers of the clinic.  Enjoy!

One mission to empower women to save babies!5
We put a bow on 2016, our 5th year anniversary17
# of babies saved in November 2016 — the most in our history!41
# of hours our clinic is open each week

# of monthly Bucks for Babies supporters (thank you!)

# of total babies saved!

# of total patients in 2016

# of hours our volunteers donated in 2016

From our clinic to you and yours, we wish you a Blessed New Year!


P.S. As our staff continues to grow, we are in need of a new laptop for our mobile nursing staff as we expand our Sexual Integrity Program.  In the last two months, we’ve given presentations at several local youth groups and schools, sharing aspects of purity and God’s plan for our sexuality & marriage, but we need something our nursing staff can bring with them to their presentations.  Can you underwrite the $500 laptop?

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